if you will have it so 意味

  • ぜひにと言うなら


        if you have already done so:    すでにそうなさっておられるのなら
        could you be so kind as to:    すみませんが~していただけませんか?
        even if you say so:    そんなこと言ったって
        i told you so:     I tóld you so! ?=What did I TELL you!
        if you fail to do so:    もしそうしない場合{ばあい}には
        if you say so:     If you sáy só. (もし君がそう言うなら)そうだろうよ《◆「自分はそう思わないが」という含み》.
        if you so instruct us:    そのようにご指示いただければ
        if you think so:    そうお考えならば
        just so that you know:    一言申し上げておきますが、だから何だという訳ではないが
        just so you know:    一言申し上げておきますが、だから何だという訳ではないが
        so help you god?:    そのことを神に誓いますか? You do solemnly swear that the testimony you may give in the cause now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? あなたは、あ
        so please you:    御免を被って
        will you be so obliging as to:    〈古風〉~をしていただけると大変有り難いのですが
        you don't say so:     You dòn't sáy (sò)! ((略式))あれ,本当かね;まさか;へーえ《◆(1) soを略す方が普通. (2) 上昇調で疑問を,下降調で驚き?皮肉などを表す. (3) 書く場合,!でなく?をつけることもある》.
        have a so-so memory:    普通{ふつう}の記憶力{きおくりょく}


  1. "if you will bear with me just a few minutes more…" 意味
  2. "if you will excuse my interruption" 意味
  3. "if you will excuse the expression" 意味
  4. "if you will give me some assistance i can manage" 意味
  5. "if you will go to window 2" 意味
  6. "if you will pardon the expression" 意味
  7. "if you will pardon the expression, i think she behaved like an ass" 意味
  8. "if you will permit to say it" 意味
  9. "if you will undertake the affair i should be very grateful" 意味
  10. "if you will give me some assistance i can manage" 意味
  11. "if you will go to window 2" 意味
  12. "if you will pardon the expression" 意味
  13. "if you will pardon the expression, i think she behaved like an ass" 意味

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